Hudson Reporter Archive

Misleading job posting

Dear Editor:
After attending the Board of Education meeting on March 25 a portion of the agenda was still bothering me after I arrived home. The agenda listed two positions; Internship Coordinator and Director of Elementary & Literacy Education. At the meeting when they were announced I don’t recall who made the comment whether it was Superintendent Rendina or Business Administrator Walkiewicz that the positions were only being posted and no one would be hired. Why are we even bothering to announce two positions if we are not going to hire anymore? Does this become a situation later that we needed to fill the positions for whatever reason or come September we may find out someone was hired because it became “necessary.” Why bother posting a position when there is no intention to fill it?
At this time we must be more conscientious of our spending and what we are spending on. Let’s filter as much as we can back into the classrooms to be sure that the teachers have the tools to meet our children’s needs.

Salvatore Manente
Candidate for Board of Education

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