Hudson Reporter Archive

Held to a higher, or at the least an equal, code of conduct?

Dear Editor:
I follow the process of government in Hudson County, both good and bad procedures and certainly must state first that Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez has done a most admirable job since he took over the office in January, 2008. I have read and am aware of many of the improvements to help the people of Hudson County that he has completed in such a short time.
I and many others are upset that there is a possibility that Frank Schillari might be chosen to run for the Sheriff’s position in this June, 2010 primary election. What a shame – as per a documented newspaper report this man has been on a law enforcement recording talking to a reputed mobster of the Genovese crime family. Are not law enforcement officers to be held to a higher or at the least an equal code of conduct with other citizens?
Let us keep Hudson County honest and not inflict a person with established serious problems as the Sheriff of our county.

Michael Giacomazzo

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