Hudson Reporter Archive

Correcting statement about sheriff

Dear Editor:
I find it necessary to respectfully correct statements made in the Between the Lines Column as written by Al Sullivan and published of March 21, 2010. The statements in the column concerning Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez were in error.
The column issued two statements in error, that “Sheriff Perez marched alone in the Jersey City St. Patrick’s Day Parade and was subject to booing in the West Hudson parade” both on March 14,2010. Since taking office as Sheriff and participating in community parade events, the Sheriff has chosen not to march with the political entities, the only reason being is that he feels and continues to feel that he belongs marching with the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office whom he admires and respects. At the beginning of all parades, out of respect the Sheriff meets and greets the officials marching and indicates that he will march with the department. Secondly, there were absolutely no negative comments made to the Sheriff in the West Hudson parade, in fact he receives cheers and many people thanked him for bringing the Sheriff’s patrols back to West Hudson Park. (These patrols were absent for a number of years prior to Sheriff Perez taking office in January, 2008).
May this communication serve to correct the statements as issued on March 14, 2010 in fairness to our Sheriff.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert B. Knapp

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