Hudson Reporter Archive

Police beat

When you gotta go…

A man charged with stealing $29.28 worth of groceries from the Bayonne A&P near Eighth Street and Avenue A on March 7 was arrested by police who watched him rush out of the store and allegedly urinate against a wall.
Paris King, 20, of Jersey City, was charged with shoplifting and public urination after he allegedly tried to take chicken, macaroni, ketchup, and a magazine from the A&P without paying.
The police report said that King also had $3,000 in outstanding fines due to the Bayonne Municipal Court.

Take out from Rite Aid

Security at the Rite Aide at 997 Broadway said they recognized Shawn O’Donnell from previous visits when they saw him hanging around the pre-paid phone counter on March 4.
When confronted, O’Donnell, 29, of East 31st Street, allegedly ran out of the store carrying a Dunkin Donuts bag, police said.
Police said an unnamed witness saw O’Donnell, pursued him into Jersey City, then came back, flagged down a patrol car, and said O’Donnell could be found on the corner of Neptune and Gates avenues.
When the police arrived, they reported seeing O’Donnell still standing there allegedly holding the bag, which after a search contained six prepaid phones and two electric toothbrushes for a total value of $189.32, they said.
O’Donnell was charged with shoplifting.

Stop the train

On March 4, a conductor for a train on the Hudson Bergen Light Rail stopped the train and called the police saying that a man was allegedly drinking beer. Police arrested Eric Almonovar, 38, of Jersey City, at the 22nd Street rail station in Bayonne at 10:55 p.m., where they said he allegedly had two open containers of beer. He also allegedly failed to produce a valid train ticket and was issued summonses for allegedly violating the laws for public consumption of alcohol and theft of services.
A short time later, at 11:52 p.m. and up the line at the 34th Street station, police gave a summons for fare evasion to Charles Clinton, 22, of Oak Street in Jersey City, after he allegedly failed to produce a valid ticket. Clinton was also found to have two outstanding warrants for unpaid fines in Jersey city for $184.

Tough times

The Bayonne police charged Melanie Skill, 48, of West 24th Street in Bayonne, with shoplifting after security stopped her from allegedly leaving the store with $26.95 worth of groceries without paying. The items included a can of soup, baby wipes, candy, bread, and cat food.

Scan your own scam

Johanna Calle, 29, of Bayonne, and Giselly Calle, 19, of Brooklyn were charged with shoplifting from the Shop & Stop after they allegedly failed to scan all of the items at the self scan check out on March 8. Johanna was charged with under scanning $441 in grocery items. Giselly allegedly failed to scan $275 worth of items.

Two ticketed for light rail violations

Two men with outstanding unpaid fines were charged with allegedly trying to beat the fare when they were stopped by police at the 45th Street station of the Hudson Bergen Light Rail on March 9 at 1:45 p.m. Terrance Gallemore, 24, of Bayonne, allegedly failed to produce a valid ticket, and allegedly also had three outstanding fines for $99 in Jersey City.
Devon Robinson, 26, of Jersey City, also allegedly failed to produce a ticket and had $200 in fines due to Jersey City Municipal Court, and $249 due to Hudson County Superior Court.

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