Hudson Reporter Archive

Opposed to animal euthanasia

Dear Editor:
Residents of Union City and the other municipalities of Hudson County such as Hoboken, Bayonne, and Jersey City will, I hope, begin to hear more about TNR, feral cats, euthansia of animals, and the “No Kill Equation”. Allow me to share with your readers and fellow animal lovers throughout Hudson County and especially Union City, a project of the No Kill Advocacy Center called The No Kill Declaration Project.
So far 30,000 animal lovers, advocates, and groups have signed this declaration which is available at The No Kill Conference to be held in Washington, D.C. on July 31-Aug. 1 is already sold out. And this is one of the largest gatherings of shelter reformers, directors, and animal lawyers and animal lovers from every walk of life. This Declaration declares that taxpayers and community members have a right to have their government spend tax monies on programs and services whose purpose is to save and enhance the lives of all animals. Furthermore, it holds that they also have a right to full and complete disclosure about how animal shelters operate. Feral cats are those shy cats on the street that run away from you and are homeless and without an owner. Because they have not been properly socialized they are not adoptable by shelters. The Declaration, in part, calls for an end to the policy of accepting trapped feral cats to be destroyed as unadoptable, and implementation of TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release)as the accepted method of feral cat control by educating the public about TNR and offering TNR programs and services. I urge every reader to visit the Declaration website and add your signature. I, for one, have already done so.

Peace & goodwill,
Tony Squire

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