Hudson Reporter Archive

Hispanic leaders in Hudson County

Dear Editor:
I want to express that first our Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez is the best sheriff in the state of New Jersey and is well qualified and deserves to continue in that position. Second I want to say with pride that sheriff Perez is the first Hispanic sheriff ever elected in our entire state. Again, his qualifications are first and the fact that he is Hispanic makes us all very proud.
There are a few who perhaps want to replace Sheriff Perez on the democratic primary ticket in June. This would certainly be a huge mistake. It is time for our Hispanic leaders in Hudson County to stand up and be counted – all of our leaders from the US senator, US congressman, freeholders, mayors, council and all of the people – let the powers to be know that we are all proud of Perez.
Let us keep Hudson County moving forward with honest, integrity and ability in our sheriff’s office.

Gino Tosado

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