Hudson Reporter Archive

Beldini verdict a wonderful victory for Jersey City

Dear Editor:
The final verdict which convicted and found Jersey City suspended Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini guilty on two counts of corruption in Federal court was a landmark decision, no matter what is being said, written, discussed, analyzed or portrayed by the ultra judicial elite, the press or the political inner circle, relating to this case and all future decisions by those individuals charged. Some even have the audacity in trying to down play this conviction. This case will definitely force each and every one of them charged to re-evaluate their options. The question is – do they feel lucky?
It is amazing to see and hear Ms. Beldini’s supporters and others actually claiming that this was some sort of a victory for the defense. Sometimes there is victory in defeat, but this is truly not the case. No matter how you try to compliment a pie that had developed a mold, the product is still tainted and obviously very hard or impossible to sell.
All of the Federal, State and Local prosecutors, must follow the law, as officers of the court, and evaluate all the evidence collected in determining the proper charges. Sometimes, these accusations are not always expressed in unison with the jury’s final verdict, but this is our fantastic judicial process. Innocent until proven guilty, in a court of law, by a jury of your peers.
This was the first legal protest and attempt, submitted, to counter any or all Government evidences and charges, filed against anyone accused in last summer’s Federal corruption sting. Having the first one tested and obtaining a guilty verdict naturally brings the domino theory to mind. This definitely pertains to this situation. When the first, lead domino, in a chain, collapses, it forces the others behind it to fall one by one in a timely fashion. Very rarely does this chain stop or is intentionally broken.
This final verdict has been a wonderful victory, not only for the government or the prosecution but for the good citizens of Jersey City, who saw their City being sold to the highest bidder. Who were forcefully submitted to pay exorbitant tax increases, during this recession with high foreclosure rates? While subsidizing all illegal property tax abatements being offered to developers, by the corrupt, the hideous, and the unscrupulous elected or appointed blood sucking municipal leeches of the lowest human caliber? Every law abiding citizen and taxpayer should be jumping up and down doing the dance of joy in observing first hand, a corruption conviction, thinking that this day would never arrive. The people must never be denied their rightful vindication.
Unfortunately because of voter apathy and the ethical loss of our government’s integrity, our only self defenses against this growing infectious fungus of taxpayer mugging which is adversely affecting all our lives and survival, is their resignation, retirement, the judicial process or, God forbid, death. Jersey City municipal government always had the name and they knew how to play the game, but maybe now the rules have been changed.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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