Hudson Reporter Archive

Gay harassment case: time to move on

Dear Editor:
“The truth shall set you free” is an old adage. Perhaps if we shine a light on the truth we can once and for all learn from what happened in Secaucus on an evening in April 2004.
A jury of twelve men and women found that on that April evening, and possibly some other occasions, firemen allegedly bullied a gay couple and the town and fire officials were found lacking in how they handled the situation. No firemen were ever identified in court by the gay couple.
It is now 2010, and truth tells us the gay couple have been handsomely compensated and Secaucus volunteer firemen have been sufficiently shamed.
Let’s move on and stop bullying each and every time it rears its ugly head. Let’s also remember that firemen sacrifice their life for yours and mine everyday. And, finally, denying someone a job or promotion without any proof of criminality should not be tolerated.


Marion Merletto

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