Hudson Reporter Archive

Finding an “outside of the box” solution

Dear Editor:
I would like to commend Leo Pellegrini on the work being done by the recreation department. My husband and I, along with our three children, have always enjoyed participating in the sports offered by the recreation department. As a minor league baseball and basketball coach, my husband values the hard work the recreation department employees have put into the variety of programs they sponsor.
Recently, Mr. Pellegrini has thought creatively to fund a new and desperately needed improvement in the recreation department’s offerings. In these times of tight city budgets, and with the help and support of his employees, Mr. Pellegrini has found outside sponsorship to develop a girls’ middle school basketball program. This is a huge development for this population of Hoboken youth – and hopefully the start of greater attention to girls’ athletics in our city. It is very admirable that our city leaders have put the effort into finding an “outside of the box” solution for further development, given the climate of cuts and monetary constraints.
On behalf of my 12 year old daughter, her friends and the young women of Hoboken, thank you to the recreation department for making this happen. This is great progress by innovative leaders of a terrific city.

Very sincerely,
Lisa M. McIntyre

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