Hudson Reporter Archive

Corruption converts our pristine

Dear Editor:
Bribery, graft, and other forms of dishonest political ventures corrupt the naïve. Such is the case with Guy Catrillo. Don’t get us wrong! Guy Catrillo betrayed the public’s trust. Many of us remain shocked, outraged, and embarrassed by Guy Catrillo’s actions. Guy Catrillo’s alleged dealings with the FBI informant [Solomon Dwek] were imprudent and very wrong. However, by being one of the first to plead guilty, Guy Catrillo accepted responsibility – and became accountable – for his misdeeds.
Guy Catrillo is an idealist. He loves Jersey City and her citizens. Guy Catrillo has dedicated his time and efforts to make Jersey City a better place to work and live for everyone. Christopher Gramiccioni, an assistant U.S. attorney, said that Catrillo truly loved Jersey City. Yet, he questions why Catrillo “… would perpetuate the cycle of political corruption that for so many years has hobbled the city.” Guy Catrillo did not enter politics to become another corrupt elected official. Contrary to the comments made by Judge Jose Linares, Guy Catrillo was neither motivated by greed nor by political ambition. Instead, his sole motive – his driving force to run for public office – always has been to have an opportunity to serve the people of Jersey City.
Guy Catrillo had all the right intentions; he wanted to make a positive, lasting contribution to Jersey City, his hometown. . .The one and only “hometown” he has ever known. Unfortunately; and sorrowfully, Guy Catrillo got caught up in a sordid, overpowering system that has traditionally rewarded unethical behavior. Eventually, Guy Catrillo became seduced and consumed by this intense, insidious system and; ultimately, because of his inexperience; yielded and fell victim to its pressures. Guy Catrillo found himself involved in a political imbroglio with no way out; he did not know what to do.
Ethics training is a start to breaking the cycle of political corruption. But, stronger measures should be taken to eradicate the mindset that surreptitious transactions are normal business procedures in Hudson County. Reformers come and go; we have all seen this time after time. But, make no mistake about it, as long as the subversive Praetorians of the corrupt, competing “invisible government” remain intact; then “machine politics” shall endure. Guy Catrillo – idealist, philanthropist, career civil servant, patron of the arts, benefactor too many; and, now, fallen politician – has to report to the Federal Bureau of Prisons by March 15 to serve his 18-month sentence.
Indeed, corruption converts our pristine – or very best – to decay and rot. Guy, you broke our hearts. We forgive you. Our prayers are always with you.

Very respectfully yours,
Albert J. Cupo and John Di Genio

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