Hudson Reporter Archive

What’s in the papers this weekend?

HUDSON COUNTY —There are lots of scoops in the Reporter newspapers this week that you don’t want to miss.
The Guttenberg Housing Authority now has two lawyers sitting at the dais at meetings, but won’t say whether the public is paying for the newer one — or why. Could it have to do with a possible investigation written about exclusively in the Reporter last year? Check it out in the North Bergen Reporter starting Sunday.
In Jersey City, Councilman Fulop says the city could save $500,000 by removing health benefits for council members and members of the utilities and sewerage authority boards. Some of them have county jobs and get county benefits as well as city benefits. Obviously the idea is not popular with everyone. Read it in the Jersey City Reporter starting Sunday.
In Hoboken, the full story of last week’s pit bull attacks, and the new superintendent of schools. Read it in the Hoboken Reporter starting Sunday.
Coming later this week in Bayonne, a former politician who beat a federal sting operation talks about the current plight of politicians. Check it out in the Bayonne Community News starting Wednesday.
Read these stories and many more, plus look at photos of your neighbors playing in the snow, here at, or by picking up one of our nine print editions.

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