Hudson Reporter Archive

Gov. Christie declares a ‘fiscal emergency,’ cuts funds

STATEWIDE — Gov. Christopher Christie on Thursday declared a “fiscal emergency” for New Jersey, which lets him reserve or freeze state spending.
The current state budget, which ends on June 30, includes a $2.2 billion budget deficit. The gap in the next budget is predicted to be $11 billion, up from an original forecast of $8 billion, according to Christie.
Christie is expected to give his budget to the state legislature for next year on March 16.
Christie has cut $2.2 billion from the current budget by reducing school aid and other budgets.
According to published reports, there was $475 million cut to school districts; $62 cut to colleges, and $12 million in hospital aid cut.
Schools who were expecting the funds will have to use surplus funds for the rest of the year, Christie reportedly said.
Democrats have criticized some of the cuts.

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