Hudson Reporter Archive

Latest Accuweather snow prediction for Hudson County: 13.2 inches, ‘blizzard conditions’E-mail us your snow photos for publication!

HUDSON COUNTY — The latest prediction from Accuweather is: 1-2 inches Tuesday night, 8-10 Wednesday morning, and another 2-4 Wednesday night, for a total around 13.2 inches of snow in Hudson County, New Jersey. They predict lots of wind and ‘blizzard conditions.’
Do you plan to take some photos of your Hudson County town in the snow? Send them to us at and we may publish them in the paper or on-line! Please send them as a .jpg attachment (not embedded in the email) and put “Snow photo” in the subject head.
Want to keep up with the latest forecast? Click the upper right of this page, or click HERE to get to the Accuweather forecast for Hudson County.

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