Hudson Reporter Archive

Beth Mason: Hoboken’s headed for another tax increase unless we do something

HOBOKEN – Hoboken 2nd Ward Councilwoman Beth Mason sent out a letter to constituents today explaining why she voted against temporary appropriations on Wednesday (just like she and other council members had done during the Roberts administration) and saying she fears another tax increase. What do you think? Read her comments and then respond below!

This past Wednesday night saw another action-packed Hoboken City Council meeting. First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate the new Hoboken Department heads who were approved by the City Council at the meeting. In addition, I congratulate Eric Kurta on his appointment to the Hoboken Hospital Authority. Eric has long been a proponent of open government and hopefully he can use his experience to make the Hospital Authority more open, inclusive and transparent.
Also on the agenda was a resolution requesting $11 million in temporary appropriations, which I voted against. During the Roberts administration the City Council was asked continuously to approve temporary appropriations, which it did. The end result was the city greatly overspending its budget, leading to the untenable financial situation we now find ourselves in. Unfortunately, the same thing appears to be happening again.
Hoboken taxpayers have been crushed by tax increases over the past few years. It is time for the City Council to roll up our sleeves and make the serious, painful cuts to the budget that we all know are necessary. Instead, the current budget is headed for another tax increase which Hoboken taxpayers simply cannot afford.
This outcome is unacceptable. It is time for us to come together and make the cuts needed to provide substantial tax relief for Hoboken residents. Over the next few weeks I intend to reach out to my fellow City Council members and have an honest dialogue about what we can cut out of the budget without negatively impacting our safety and quality of life, and what new revenue streams we can attempt to open. Clearly, another round of temporary appropriations is not the answer to our fiscal troubles.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to continuing to work together as we make Hoboken an even better place to live and raise a family.

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