Hudson Reporter Archive

Hudson County family will owe school district $70K for allegedly sneaking kids into schools

HUDSON COUNTY — According to an article in the Record newspapers today, an unidentified family living in Hudson County enrolled its children in schools in nearby Rutherford even though they lived in Hudson County.
Once the Rutherford schools did an investigation, they determined that the Hudson family owes them a whopping $70,000 in tuition!
The paper reports: “The $70,000 amount has been placed as a lien on the parents’ property. This means they won’t be able to sell their house without paying off the money to Rutherford first.”
The story does not say which Hudson County town the parents live in, or why they chose to educate their children in Rutherford instead of their own district.
It notes, “Sometimes the child’s parents either own property in Rutherford but don’t live there but they use the property as a cover to send their kids to a nearby school. She said there have even been cases where parents living in other towns tried to enroll their kids in Rutherford simply because it was on their way to work and convenient to drop them off there.”

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