Hudson Reporter Archive

National Whatever Month

Black History Month, Women’s History Month, AIDS Awareness Month – all important commemorative months celebrated during the year by various governments, groups, and organizations.
But for every reverent commemorative month, there are numerous silly and annoying ones that diminish them. March is National Text Your Neighbor Month (National Twitter Month not far behind); June is National Don’t Eat Cheese After Noon Month (cheese lovers rejoice?) and July is Billy Mays Memorial Month (Long live Oxy Clean and Jupiter Jack!)
There are 236 commemorative months observed during the year, with October leading the way with 47.
The fewest is January with a lowly three: National Clown College Month, National Get a Colonic Month (yikes!) and a personal favorite of the Jersey City Reporter, National Ricky Month.
The Reporter decided to ask Jersey City residents which commemorative month should be recognized in January, and they gave some interesting suggestions.
Ricardo Kaulessar can be reached at
Moira Brett, downtown Jersey City resident

“I love architecture and real estate so I would like to see a National Historic Architecture Month to acknowledge historic properties. Living in this city, you see it being built up with new structures buy you also see many lovely old buildings and homes that have been preserved, and we need to recognize that.”

Telisa Dowling, resident of the city’s Greenville section

“We have Martin Luther King Day so we should have a Martin Luther King Month. It gives more kids an opportunity to learn about peace and justice, and to learn more about the man himself.”

Robert Allen, longtime downtown Jersey City resident

“Getting people to understand and love each other, a national awareness. Maybe a National Do Onto Others As You Have Others Do Onto You Month. We have to show each other love and brotherhood while we are on this earth.”

Jayson Burg, longtime city resident

“It’s my little joke, but I could see National A-Hole Month, where you have to worry not about the asses but the holes they leave behind.”

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