Hudson Reporter Archive

He deserves our endless support

Dear Editor:
As usual Mayor Brian P. Stack is reaching out to help out the island nation of Haiti that has been devastated by a grand scale earthquake. Recently Mayor Brian P. Stack sent volunteer workers door to door giving out a flier that said to help Haiti that is such a poor country. The City of Union City has a history of banding together at crucial times to overcome hard times.
As mayor for the last ten years Brian has kept unity among residents we all should feel proud of. Union City has never had a mayor like Brian that cares so much about his people. As an active resident as I am, I have been with Brian before he was an elected official and Brian has been a helping hand much before he became the mayor of this prosperous community. I don’t need to go into details as to how Brian has rescued this community. His approval by the people who live in this community is much higher than any elected official in the State of New Jersey. This approval by the people does not come by accident. Brian’s popularity is well deserved and all his personal sacrifices do not go unnoticed. This coming May 11, 2010 is the Municipal election and we all should give Brian endless support because he truly deserves it.

With Respect,
Mirtha Serret
Union City

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