Hudson Reporter Archive

“Don’t lie, cheat or steal”

Dear Editor:
Congratulations to the 54 percent of the 40 percent of eligible registered voters who voted for Healy. You made the right choice. He is the most honest person you will ever meet and the motto “Don’t lie, cheat or steal” he has lived for the past 58 ¾ years.
Despite what you read in the inaccurate and biased The Jersey Journal, a publication that has been bashing my husband for the past 12 years, the informed citizens know better. The Jersey Journal deserved to fold on April 13, 2009, as predicted by their own Augie Torres, due to their unrelenting malevolent and inaccurate reporting of this mayor and his administration. A few of his administration’s accomplishments are: City-wide development in progress; Hotel tax with (4-5 million) in revenue in one year; Most paved streets in the City’s history, in fact doubled what had been done before; AMB warehouse to be built on the Hackensack with 300 jobs; Unprecedented police hiring, including through UEZ grants; Leading advocate in the State for sensible gun legislation; Laws passed by the City Council regarding illegal gun control.
These are a few of Mayor Healy’s accomplishments. I will be shocked if this letter is printed in the locale daily, as many other positive letters have been deep sixed.

Maureen Healy

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