Hudson Reporter Archive

Arrested political critics in Union City want $1 million each

UNION CITY — A group of Union City Mayor Stack’s critics who were arrested in December for distributing allegedly defamatory flyers have filed a counterclaim in civil court.
Each of the defendants is requesting “no less than $1,000,000” for what they say were lost wages, humiliation, mental and emotional distress, attorneys’ fees, and other damages when they were arrested for distributing the flyers.
The claim is against the mayor and Police Chief Charles Everett in their official capacities and as individuals. It also names Phillip Iacovelli, a supporter of the mayor whom they say was present the evening of the December arrests.
The suit is a counterclaim to one filed by Mayor Stack a few days after the arrests. Stack and his lawyer have noted that the flyers were made to look like they came from Stack himself, containing his signature and photo. They have said that forgery is a serious issue
The lawyer for the critics, Ty Hyderally, said the issue of distributing political information is something that has never been a problem with others. “Targeting this group was very politically motivated,” he said.
Stack’s claim against them asks for damages, but does not specify how much.
Stack is up for re-election in May.
One of the critics arrested, Frank Scarafile, is the superintendent of schools in Little Ferry and was once a school principal in Union City, where he lives.

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