Hudson Reporter Archive

Nothing is as important as providing our kids with a world class education

Dear Editor:
I was thrilled to have the opportunity to apply for the Board of Education vacancy in December. Although I was not selected, I am extremely grateful to all of you who wrote to board members endorsing my nomination and those who spoke on my behalf. I was overwhelmed with your letters of encouragement and support. I can’t thank you enough.
Nothing is as important as providing our kids with a world class education. Despite some recent progress, our school system has a long way to go to reach its full potential.
We need to work hard to ensure we provide the best education for every child regardless of whether that child is rich, poor, “born and raised”, or “just-arrived”. I reject the notion that our some of our kids can’t measure up.
I would like to reiterate to the board that I disagree with their decision to hold the selection interviews in private. The board was selecting an interim board member to represent the public so each candidate’s presentation and interview should have happened openly and in public. I strongly encourage you to amend your policy for the future.
I would like to thank the board for their consideration and congratulate Irene Sobolov on her appointment to the board. With the imminent selection of a new superintendent and construction of next year’s budget we will all have to work together to support a school system that does right by our children and our taxpayers. I look forward to helping.

Scott Delea

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