Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken’s managerial tasks for 2010

Dear Editor:
We have a new mayor and an administration which is faced with the main objective to upright our financial ship. Accordingly, here is a listing of some tasks facing us in 2010:
1) Adopt the current budget with any appropriate adjustments. 2) Plan for next’s year budget since most of this year’s will be spent or encumbered. 3) Prepare and submit our plan to the Local Finance Board to eliminate total state supervision so that we can govern ourselves. 4) Closely monitor the performance of our hospital situation. 5) Bring closure to the Observer Highway garage sale which is still costing us over $100K per month. 6) Bring closure to the SWAT team administrative hearing and inform the public of its legal costs. 7) Obtain funding to repair our collapsing piers. 8) Provide more open space for active recreational use. 9) Monitor existing PILOTs and to be prudent in making future decisions on same. 10) Maintain a balance in affordable housing. 11) Support sound development. 12) Settle contracts with unions at terms the city can afford. 13) Require corporation counsel to give monthly reports to the city council on outstanding legal issues. 14) Provide for more human resource type direction to avoid legal actions by employees. 15) Require that administration representatives be available for the full length of city council meetings. 16) Follow up on the disposition of the requested detailed operational audits of all city departments.
I advise all to be informed of the issues and become involved in civic affairs so that you can better support your elected representatives and to also hold them accountable and responsible.

Richard Tremitiedi

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