Hudson Reporter Archive

Citizen Service Act

Dear Editor:
On Tuesday, Governor Jon Corzine signed the “Citizen Service Act” into law. This groundbreaking legislation paves the way for a more open, transparent and inclusive process in every municipality throughout New Jersey.
As a result of this law, municipal clerks are required to maintain a record of all existing vacancies for public boards or commissions and provide this list to residents free of charge. Residents can then fill out an application to apply for a vacant position. If the resident is not selected for the board or commission their application is to be kept on file with the City Clerk for opportunity to serve in the future.
In 2007, I sponsored an ordinance to adopt the Citizen Service Act that was approved unanimously by the Hoboken City Council. In a year where our city faced a state takeover and corruption in city hall, it is refreshing to see that Hoboken helped spearhead statewide change by passing real reform right here in our home town first.
I look forward to continuing to work with the Mayor and my Council colleagues so we can make Hoboken the example of how open, honest and fair government should operate.

Councilwoman Beth Mason

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