Hudson Reporter Archive

Impreveduto temporarily replaced at Middle School

While Secaucus Middle School Principal Pat Impreveduto remains on sick leave from his job here, he is still making appearances in Holmdel, where he lives, in accordance with his duties as deputy mayor there.
Impreveduto was again sworn in as Holmdel’s deputy mayor on Jan. 4. This was the latest in a string of public appearances he has made at official Holmdel functions since he fell and injured himself on school property on Sept. 14.
He went out on worker’s comp after his accident until he “was released back to work on Nov. 17, 2009 by the worker’s compensation doctor,” according to School Administrator Ed Walkiewicz. Since then, Impreveduto has been out on paid sick leave. He had 310 days of sick leave as of July 1, 2009, Walkiewicz told the Reporter last month.


“I had every reason to believe that the communication from his doctor was accurate, and therefore I approved it.” – Cynthia Randina

Throughout his absence from school in Secaucus, however, Impreveduto has faithfully fulfilled his official duties as deputy mayor in Holmdel. He has regularly attended Holmdel Township Committee meetings, missing only one – on Nov. 5 – since his accident. He even attended a Sept. 17 township meeting held just three days after his fall.
“At the direction of our attorney, Stephen Fogarty, I have given Mr. Impreveduto an opportunity to respond to some of the comments that appeared in the newspaper,” said Schools Superintendent Cynthia Randina said last week.
Although the principal has been contacted, Randina said there is no deadline for him to respond to her questions.
It is likely that Impreveduto, who earns about $180,000, has not broken any laws. He may not have even broken school policy. But the matter does not look good for a school system that has requested, and received, tax increases for the last two years – in the middle of a recession.
“If somebody is ill, generally speaking, a doctor will indicate the amount of time that person is expected to be out,” Randina said. “I consider everything on an individual basis. In the case of Mr. Impreveduto, I had every reason to believe that the communication from his doctor was accurate, and therefore I approved it.”
Impreveduto did not return calls to his Holmdel residence last week.
Last month, colleagues in Holmdel said they were unaware of Impreveduto’s accident in Secaucus, and one Township Committee member said he has not been seen with a cane, a walker, or other walking aid.

Daniello appointed acting principal

Despite Impreveduto’s absence, the Middle School is moving on.
Just before the holidays, the Secaucus Board of Education officially appointed Humanities Director Rob Daniello as acting Middle School principal in Impreveduto’s place. Daniello, who has certification to be a principal, had already been serving in the position in Impreveduto’s absence.
“Mr. Daniello certainly has a lengthy history in the school district as a teacher of English and as a teacher of English as a Second Language,” Randina said. “He has worked in both the High School and the Middle School environment. He knows the community very well, has an excellent demeanor, and he has the credentials to fill in in Mr. Impreveduto’s absence.”
Thus far, Impreveduto has not indicated when he might return to work, so it’s unclear how long Daniello may serve as acting principal.
E-mail E. Assata Wright at

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