Hudson Reporter Archive

New York Post: comic Artie Lange attempted suicide in Hoboken apartment

HOBOKEN — After a week of speculation as to why Howard Stern radio show sidekick and former Mad-TV star Artie Lange ended up in the hospital over the weekend, the New York Post cited a law enforcement source today as saying that “Troubled comic Artie Lange landed in the hospital after stabbing himself nine times in an apparent suicide attempt…Lange’s frantic mom called 911 Saturday morning after she entered his Hoboken apartment and found the bloodied funnyman, a law-enforcement source said. Lange sustained six “hesitation wounds” and three deep plunges. A source close to Lange’s management team confirmed that the Howard Stern sidekick stabbed himself, adding that his mother had come to visit him that day to drop off food. Surgeons managed to save Lange despite heavy bleeding.”
Lange’s spokespeople and Stern have both declined to comment on the nature of his illness, but Lange is well-known for his addictions, and was pulled over in Toms River, N.J., for an alleged DUI over the summer.
Lange lives in the Shipyard Development and was a write-in candidate for Hoboken mayor this past November. Lange himself did not run, but anonymous fans put him up. He managed to secure eight votes.

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