Hudson Reporter Archive

A cordial hello

To the Editor:
Hello! I moved to Bayonne four years ago, but it is only since the end of November this year that I have decided to check out the 56th Street Senior Center.
I received a very warm welcome from a gentleman named Ralph, who coordinates and supervises the activities of the center. I was given a copy of the schedule of events for the month. Once home, I studied it and I was not sure of which ones interested me the most. But then I realized that what was the most important to me was the company of new, nice people. Hence, I’ve been going there whenever I’ve been free for one activity or another. One of the great things about it is that you don’t have to register for anything. You just go when you feel like it.
About to turn 65 myself, I’ve already met a lot of nice people of various ages, seeking similar things such as: friendship, warmth, laughter, as well as sharing common interests. So, my reason for writing this message is to encourage all the seniors out there, who live close to 56th Street, to stop by the center between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday except on holidays. Meet Ralph and learn about some of the activities offered.
Remember, whether you’re 60 or 90 years of age, you don’t have to stay home. You can have an interesting time! It’s never too late to start and there is nothing to lose.
From a fellow senior who truly cares.


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