Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken’s Artie Lange still in hospital

HOBOKEN — Artie Lange, the sidekick on Howard Stern’s satellite radio show, and a resident of Hoboken, has been in a hospital in New Jersey since this weekend, according to many newspaper reports.
Lange’s spokespeople released a statement saying that Lange has decided to keep the matter private.
According to E! online, Stern spoke briefly about Lange on the show this morning but “Stern wouldn’t reveal why Lange had been hospitalized in New Jersey, saying that he was respecting his friend’s family’s request for privacy, but he did have some praise and kind words to offer. ‘We all have our demons,’ said Stern, referring to Lange’s past battles with addiction. ‘Artie has given this show tremendous moments of great comedy. He’s a tremendous contributor. He is a good man. Don’t forget how great he is.’ ”
A fan on Lange’s Facebook fan site said Stern said he is planning to do a “best of” Lange segment this week, prompting some to wonder if the sidekick, notorious for his addictions, is on his way out.
This past November, a fan started a write-in campaign for Artie to run for mayor of Hoboken. He received 8 votes.
At left, Lange is pictured in Hoboken’s downtown CVS last year, apparently picking up legal drugs.

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