Hudson Reporter Archive

Thanks for compassion for my dog

Dear Editor:
I am writing to thank publicly Dr. Montserrat Zalis and other staff of Union City Animal Clinic. Recently due to an urgent medical condition, I had to put to sleep my precious Fluffy, a tan-and-white Jack Russell terrier, who was twelve years old. It was the first time I ever had to make such a decision resulting in the terminating of my companion animal’s life. As her guardian, I now mourn her loss and cherish her memory.
Dr. Zalis and the vet assistants were very compassionate, understanding, and supportive. My wife and I were given time to spend final minutes with Fluffy. We were relieved that Fluffy did not suffer during the procedure. She yielded up her life as gently and peacefully as she had lived her life.
I am grateful for the journey on earth that sweet Fluffy shared with us. I am touched to the bone by the depth and purity of her unconditional love moment-by-moment from her first breath to her last. And I am deeply grateful for the care Dr. Zalis gave Fluffy; care, which granted Fluffy more time as well as for us to prepare her final rest.
To honor the memory and sweet life of Fluffy, I have resolved to find a way to devote what remains of my life to the cause of animal care and rescue, and if need arise be their voice through activism: to foster a more humane and cruelty-free world.
Thanks very much to the many in Union City, adult and children alike, fellow dog-lovers, who befriended “Fluffy, the Magic Dog” and shared their tenderness, affection, and joy with Fluffy.
Peace and kindness to all,

Tony Squire

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