Hudson Reporter Archive

In response to Melissa Hinnen

Dear Editor:
I’m responding to Melissa’s sweet and thoughtful letter (12/13/09) where she’s “not debating marriage equity” and then proceeds – in an extra long column – to debate marriage “equity.” By which she turns the word “marriage,” which since the history of humankind has meant the union of a man and woman on its head to mean something else.
Even when you “believe with…heart and soul” changing a word’s meaning doesn’t make it so. That’s Mad Hatter Land.
Wishful thinkers believe that because Jesus loves us all, he permits everything. Not so. Reread your bible, Melissa.
Sweet too is her statement that she doesn’t “believe churches should refrain from expressing their views,” but complains the sign isn’t welcoming, doesn’t help the poor, quotes (judiciously) St. Paul. All of which are ignoratio elenchi (popularly known as red herrings).
I leave teaching a five-year old to designate any church stating its beliefs as “not a real church.”
Note: M.’s “diverse” church is in New York, which last week rejected same-sex “marriages.”

Lorraine Murphy

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