Hudson Reporter Archive

Family life will change again

Dear Editor:
In the 1960’s, the news media, both television and print had stories on food shortages if the population continue to increase. Social Scientists predicted food rationing when the population reached 300 million. Our country passed that mark several years ago but the social scientists succeeded in changing family size.
Similarly, family life will change again with the proposed passage of the gay marriage bill. New Jersey will change how it will define a family and this will happen first in the public schools. Under the umbrella of diversity, the reading series in public schools will include stories on gay family life.
In fact, this happened in the late 1980’s when the New York Board of Ed introduced “My Two Mommies” earmarked for grades K-2 but families complained and the book was pulled. Once the gay marriage bill passes, then the school system must have an inclusive curriculum and parents’ complaints will go nowhere. A similar view is held in Massachusetts where the courts said parents can no longer opt their children out of diversity education.
This is also concurring right now in Connecticut with proposed bill S.B. 899. Many believe this bill could force public schools to teach homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle. Vince McCarthy said, “Materials now being distributed by Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) would force children in schools to learn that people who believe heterosexual conduct is morally superior to homosexual conduct suffer from a form of mental illness called heterosexism.”
More changes are seen in Massachusetts. That state demands all adoption agencies to include adoptions to gay couples with no moral clause for religious institutions. As a result, Catholic Charities in Massachusetts no longer handles adoptions.
Massachusetts and Connecticut are states that adopted gay marriage; they are changing family life and culture. The same will happen to New Jersey.

Yvonne Balcer

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