Hudson Reporter Archive

Frustrating tickets

Dear Editor:
On November 14 at 2:30 p.m. on a rainy Saturday afternoon at 7th and Garden St., my car was ticketed for being illegally parked at a crosswalk and beyond the required 25 feet. I was actually parked behind the white line on the curb. I was definitely not blocking the crosswalk. I took pictures of my car to prove my innocence, but to my frustration, not one picture came out. All I got were blank negatives. I then had no recourse but to pay the ticket, because it would than be my word against the patrolman who gave me the ticket…… and, you know whose word would prevail. Please note that cars are parked in that same space every day of the week, and ARE NEVER GIVEN A TICKET! WHY ME?

Unhappy Hobokenite

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