Hudson Reporter Archive

Dawn Zimmer will lead us to greatness

Dear Editor:
As my irish mother would say, “There’s no future in looking back,” powerful words in this election season.
The future of Hoboken is in our hands on November 3, but only if we take the time to exercise our right to VOTE. We have a great opportunity on Tuesday, November 3 to set the future course of this city, but only if we VOTE.
This is a critical time for our great city and in my opinion, there is only one person that can lead us too greatness, and that’s Dawn Zimmer. Dawn has the vision and courage to do what’s right for all of us, not just a few. Dawn owes no one and has proven her leadership while under fire during these past few months. Dawn may not agree with you but she will listen to you. Dawn has yet to master the art of “pandering” so don’t expect that from her.
This city has some difficult choices to make in the coming days and Dawn can and will make them. Those choices will be made intelligently and impartial for all of us. We finally have someone in City Hall with INTEGRITY and SHAME ON US if we don’t keep her there.
So once again, I ask all my friends to VOTE because the future of Hoboken in on the line. VOTE 11H, for Dawn Zimmer and Hoboken on Tuesday, November 3. Don’t forget, if you don’t VOTE, “you can’t complain to me.”

Respectfully Yours,
John P. Carey
Aka: Johnny Ricco

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