Hudson Reporter Archive

A vote for Nathan Brinkman is a vote for you

Dear Editor:
I write this letter anonymously because I own and run a local business. In such a small city, it is very possible that my political views could be harmful to my bottom line.
That being said, I also live here and have genuine concerns for how this city is run. The bottom line is that the ailing financial condition of this city should be every voter’s main concern. The obvious: we have an out of control budget that resulted in a huge tax increase and a state takeover. What should be obvious: we need to significantly reduce the budget, lower taxes, and overall gain some financial stability. In my opinion, the only way to do this is to hire, as our mayor, a fiscal conservative. His name is Nathan Brinkman.
If you can get past the word “conservative”, this is the person you should be voting for. Understand that at this level of government, major social issues of concern are not decided. This is about fiscal responsibility: your hard earned tax dollars being spent wisely.
I have kept this short and sweet, but please do the research and see what Nathan Brinkman has to say.
Hoboken deserves better. It needs a fresh start. Let’s not put the ball back into the court of the “tax and spenders”. A vote for Nathan Brinkman is a vote for yourself.

– Anonymous

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