Hudson Reporter Archive

Vote Raia on Tuesday

Dear Editor:
This Tuesday, November 3rd, is Election Day. As a candidate running for Mayor, I am respectfully asking for your vote.
This election is pivotal for our City’s future. We face a fiscal crisis, and we definitely need to go in a new direction. Hoboken needs new leadership and better management. And, we need it now.
I have the proven experience of overseeing a one hundred million dollar budget in the private sector, and the ability and detailed knowledge to successfully pass and administer a multi-million dollar budget for the public sector.
Our City is financially adrift. We need to reign in spending, cut taxes, and restore fiscal sanity to Hoboken if we, as a community, are going to have a viable future. I know how to get the job done, and am asking for your support on Election Day to implement a realistic plan to save Hoboken.
I view public service as an extension of my commitment to people, and have spent my life giving back to the city that has been so good to me. That is why I am proud to have brought the Shop-Rite to Hoboken, and to have provided affordable housing for so many of our senior citizens and working families. And I am proud to have played a major role in bringing a new state-of-the-art movie theatre to our town, as well.
You can be sure that I will approach the job of being Mayor in exactly the same way. I will stand up for the people of Hoboken, and stand up to the career politicians who have neglected and shortchanged us for too long.
I will answer only to you, the taxpayer. Together, we can make a difference, a big difference, and bring positive change to Hoboken – NOW, when we need it most.
I urge everyone to please take the time to vote this Tuesday, November 3rd. And I would greatly appreciate your support on Election Day. Thank you for your consideration.

Candidate for Mayor, 11 – E

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