Hudson Reporter Archive

New Jersey residents need relief

Dear Editor:
I would like to comment about our Governor, the Honorable Jon Corzine. I had the honor and pleasure to meet Gov. Corzine 2 times and I have to say he is a very generous and respectful human being.
He really does care about people and really wants to help and give people a chance to make their lives fulfilling, worthy and easier to live. I do see a problem though. He cannot achieve the goals to fulfill the dreams of New Jersey’s wonderful children, parents and taxpayers if the assembly and state senate continue to bicker and act like spoiled old men.
I believe that some members in both houses believe that they work for themselves and fail to realize that thousands and thousands of New Jersey residents are suffering with job loss, foreclosure, bills, bills, bills, education problems, you name it. New Jersey’s residents need relief, Tax Relief, New Jobs, the End of Foreclosures!!!
What we do not need is infighting against Democrats about who will be the next senate president or assembly speaker. What we need to do, most important- is Re-Elect Gov. Jon Corzine. Some members, I believe, don’t care if Gov. Corzine gets re-elected as long as they sit pretty, make those raw deals and sit on a throne like their a king! What do you think?
Word to the wise to New Jersey voters: Re-Elect Gov. Jon Corzine for 4 more years! Talk to your Assembly and St. Senate members and tell them you want more help and understanding to get the job done or you will consider a different candidate to vote for. Make your legislative members earn your vote or else.
This election is huge. Vote. Stand up for your rights. Don’t be silent. Get involved and consider a run for office in your own towns. People want change, like we were promised not the same old talk and then we see our so-called leaders sitting on their throne dictating lies and deceit and hurting our families and wasting our hard earned taxes on their own pleasures.
“Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things and I’ll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.” Lawrence D. Bell American Aircraft manufacturer (1894-1956)
Thank you and keep up the Wonderful Reporting and Information that we have at North Hudson Reporter News.

Edward V. Stack
Former Union City resident for 30 years

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