Hudson Reporter Archive

Mayor Zimmer is proven to lead

Dear Editor:
Throughout the current campaign, there has been much discussion of the educational and professional qualifications of the candidates for Hoboken Mayor. Regrettably, some candidates have made dubious claims regarding their own experience in successfully managing complex organizations and large budgets. And disappointingly some candidates have attacked their opponents’ fitness for office by mischaracterizing and understating their credentials. However, there is only one candidate that has actually proven her ability to lead in this difficult environment.
Dawn Zimmer was thrust into office just three hours after Peter Cammarano’s resignation and immediately focused on her duties as Mayor. First, Acting Mayor Zimmer began healing the wounds in Hoboken after the protracted negative run-off election and the disruptive tenure of Cammarano. She brought instant civility and calm to City Hall. Secondly, Acting Mayor Zimmer immediately set in motion her agenda for inclusiveness, transparency and decision-making based on fact and merit rather than political favoritism. Much has been accomplished in only three months in office including: raising the bar on appointments by soliciting applications for Directorship positions and making appointments based upon concrete qualifications; addressing austerity head-on by cutting her own salary and that of the directors by 10 per cent and ending longevity pay for Directors; ending favoritism by restoring the City Council’s oversight of zoning decisions; establishing benchmarks with Trenton which will restore local control over city finances; responding to community need by cost-effectively restoring the cross-town bus service; making a major step towards addressing the city’s flooding problem by winning approval of the Southeastern Flood pump; and setting the stage for thoughtful growth by challenging the proposed development of skyscrapers by New Jersey Transit over the rail yards of Hoboken. Acting Mayor Zimmer has already taking steps to bring Hoboken to new levels of professionalism and accountability while running a positive campaign.
Acting Mayor Zimmer has proven to me that she has what it takes to lead Hoboken out of its troubles and to a bright future. Join me in voting for Mayor Dawn Zimmer on November 3rd.

Adrienne Choma

(This position represents my own views and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.)

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