Hudson Reporter Archive

We need leadership that puts people first

Dear Editor:
Once again we have another election. This time the incumbent governor is seeking re-election opposed by the self acclaimed “crime” buster and an independent who seems somewhat qualified. I question though that whoever is elected will have any positive impact upon Hudson County where real change in leadership is long past due.
The very low voter turnout in the recently held municipal and primary elections in Hudson County is a strong indication of voter displeasure with our present county leadership. For example, in Jersey City the $4million campaign of the incumbent mayor could bring only 20 percent of the voters to the polls. In reality less than 20 percent o the voters of Jersey City support him and he is the Chair of the present county leadership (the Regular Democratic Organization).
In comparison this same voting public has responded positively to the election of Union City Mayor and State Senator Brian Stack. In the last Union City municipal election Brian Stack received an unprecedented 10,000 votes. In the 2007 primary election seeking the nomination for State Senator (opposed by the county leadership) Brian Stack brought a record number of voters to the polls in his landslide victory over the organization candidate. Also, in said election hundreds of registered Republicans changed their party affiliation to vote for Brian Stack.
The question is, why such a difference? The answer is not difficult; Responsibility to the people. As a lifelong resident of Union City I can state unequivocally Brian Stack is the only mayor we have had who truly puts the people first.
I have not only observed but felt the improvement in the quality of life of the residents of Union City. I must point out that although I have supported him and do support him, there have been occasions when I have expressed my differences. Specifically my opposition to the nature of the development that has taken place.
However, there is a saying that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Therefore, I must applaud Mayor Stack for the many improvements he has brought to Union City. To sight a few examples: Central Avenue, from 18th Street south has a center aisle and lighting which has esthetically changed this area and at the same time provided increase safety for the residents. Many streets have been newly paved eliminating pot holes and other sources of possible harm and it seems that newly installed sidewalks are happening throughout the city. Where we had one indoor Olympic size pool we now have three. The latest being the Firemen Memorial Park on the Palisades which also guarantees Union City residents the view of the New York skyline which cannot be taken from the people by greedy developers. In addition, for the very first time we have a Mayor and administration concerned about culture and the arts, with musical and state performances and art exhibits throughout the year. And we finally have a state of the arts High School thanks to the ability of Mayor Stack in obtaining state funding for this facility that will be the envy of all.
Perhaps it is this concern for improving the quality of life of the people, actually for putting people before politics, that the voters have responded politically to provide Mayor and State Senator Brian Stack with the amazing large voter turnout whenever he seeks election or becomes involved in an election.
His independence, in the face of much exerted political pressure from the professional politicians on both the local and federal lever is another factor for the trust the people have in him. Yes, it is time for new leadership in Hudson County. A leadership that puts the people first.

Libero Marotta

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