Hudson Reporter Archive

Supports Frank Raia for mayor

Dear Editor:
I am writing to express my strong support for Frank Raia for Mayor.
Frank Raia is, by far, the most qualified candidate in the field. He has dedicated his life to helping people, and definitely has the business and government experience to really make a difference in our community. Thanks to Frank, Hoboken is finally getting a new movie theatre again.
As a private citizen, he has accomplished much. As Mayor, Frank Raia will tackle the financial challenges that our city faces, and put his business knowledge and budget cutting ability to work for all of us. We need tax relief now, and Frank Raia is committed to achieving that result so as to help all of the families in Hoboken.
Frank has always been for the people. Now is the time for the people of Hoboken to stand up for Raia and elect him Mayor. On November 3rd, do yourself a favor. Elect Frank Raia Mayor.
Hoboken will be better for it.
I urge everyone to Vote 11-E. Frank Raia for Mayor.

Shannon Collins

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