Hudson Reporter Archive

Hudson Sheriff: Have a great time at Halloween but be careful

Dear Editor:
As your Hudson County Sheriff we are urging all youngsters to enjoy the fun of Halloween and to participate in the numerous activities throughout the county. Halloween is a fun day for all ages but this holiday can also be scary in regards to the safety and well being of our children. We want all of our little ghosts and goblins to be safe. Please find the following safety tips to follow for this holiday:
Children should be accompanied by an adult; know the route older children are taking if you are not going with them; plan costumes that are bright and reflective and make sure shoes fit well and costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, entanglement or contact with flame; attach emergency information (name, address, contact numbers) within the Halloween costume or on a bracelet; instead of a mask which may block eyesight consider a non toxic makeup; purchase only flame resistant material for the costume; never use candles but purchase batter operated flashlights; never permit children to unwrapped food items or open beverages that may be offered and no treats are to be eaten until thoroughly checked by an adult at home; warn children never to enter a home if invited.
Motorists traveling on Halloween should drive slowly and be alert at all times using extreme caution. Halloween can be a traumatic and even dangerous time for your pet—never leave your pet out in the yard on Halloween; do not permit pets to consume treats-chocolate is poisonous to many animals and a cellophane candy wrapper can be hazardous if swallowed. Remember our pets depend upon us to keep them safe from harm.
Please notify law enforcement authorities immediately of any suspicious or unlawful activities.
On behalf of all in the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office we wish all in our county a safe, fun and Happy Halloween.

Juan M. Perez
Sheriff of Hudson County

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