Hudson Reporter Archive


Dear Editor:
The November elections are approaching rapidly. I bought a new pair of boots, earplugs, and a shovel, preparing for the verbal, visual, and written tsunami of conceit and self love of the two major candidates. The loser always has a very promising future playing at the Philharmonic, using their remarkable distinctive talents and expertise, of blowing their own golden horn.
Unfortunately, we have in the United States and New Jersey, a structure, dominated by two non-productive political parties. We must expand these political groups to broaden our horizons and reach alternative qualified intelligent, talented, gifted and brilliant individuals, instead of the prescribed back room politics, or millionaire syndrome presently within our composition. Our choices for leadership have diminished, to party loyalty. The people have no voice. What happened to New Jersey? What happened to America?
It’s our own fault, which was evident in these past elections. Voter apathy does exist, it’s alive and well. We’re too wrapped up in our own little worlds, and ignoring the government that’s manipulating our destiny We allow ourselves to be subservient, submitting to individuals, who are limiting our precious rights and we do nothing but smile, kiss their ring and re-elect them.
Even though the two party system has proved to be a failure in attracting capable, honest individuals into government service, it continues to exist, which disgracefully ignores and silences the voices of the people, in the name of political self preservation, party loyalty, corruption and greed. We have even regressed further into the belly of the beast, by having a one party rule, eliminating the essential checks and balances initially established by our intelligent forefathers. This is an abomination. There must always be an ever watchful entity of astute perception, to generate a government of acceptance instead of intolerable arrogance.
New Jersey’s one party supremacy, over the years, has proven to be a total disaster, whether it was Democratic or Republican control, from Florio to Whitman to McGreevey to Cody to Corzine. It produced self proclaimed dictatorship, exorbitant birth to death escalated taxes, leased and changed the names of our Garden State Art Center and The Brendan Byrne Arena, failed corrupted privatization of government services, humiliation, unlimited corruption, undocumented pay to play, high unemployment, private companies closing or moving to other States, higher tolls, diminished services, unacceptable quality of life issues, and laws to reduce our freedoms. The elimination of the death penalty, high crime, circumventing voter referendums, residential flight, we lost over 200, 000 residents and growing, when will we stop this madness.
This reversal of power shift from the people to the government goes against all our established ideologies. The hard working people, living in this State of Total Confusion, should be sick and tired of constantly being told to tighten their belts and sacrifice, especially being one of the highest tax State in the Union, coming from a controlled government full of corrupted thieves. No matter how they try, a leopard will never change its spots?

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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