Hudson Reporter Archive

C for commitment

Dear Editor:
To all my friends, neighbors and residents of Secaucus, I am writing this letter to make you aware of what is going on in our town. With the election for mayor and council just weeks away, there’s only one team committed to the people, who will provide an honest and open form of government for the people: the Take Back Secaucus Team, headed by Councilman Mike Gonnelli.
Rob Costantino, our first ward candidate for council, has the know-how to properly maintain financial records. As an accountant, he will be able to protect us (the taxpayers) by eliminating wasteful spending of our tax dollars. This extra money could be used for more beneficial tasks, such as education, senor activities and the security and safety of our residents, provided (of course) by our police and fire department etc.
John Bueckner, our second ward candidate, has been fighting for the rights of our residents for the past 16 years as an Independent Councilman. He is running for re-election again this year on Mike Gonnelli’s team. His experience and knowledge as a past President and Trustee of the local school board will be an extra benefit to the Gonnelli Team.
Bill McKeever, our third ward candidate, who is a Vietnam Veteran, stood up for the rights of the United States during the war. Now, he stands up for the rights of the residents of Secaucus, in the fight to bring back integrity and trust into our town. He has knowledge in the affairs of both pension and medical funds, holding the position of Trustee for ten years. He will be a great asset to the Gonnelli team.
These are the Council Candidates running with Mike Gonnelli this year. He needs your help to get them elected into office on November 3. this year. Remember Mayor Elwell? He may be gone, but guess what: his Council Candidates that he picked to run with him are still here. YES, the Elwell Machine is still alive, and is running against the Take Back Secaucus Team. It’s time to put an end to the Elwell Administration once and for all; Time to restore honesty, integrity, and trust back to the Secaucus government body.
I mentioned C for Commitment, C for Change, C for Confidence; Confidence in leadership, providing an open form of government. C for Caring; yes, Caring, by preserving open space for our children and seniors for recreational use, as well as restoring pride and dignity back to our town. So, remember the “C” on November 3, and vote Column “C” 6 and 7. Let’s put the Take Back Secaucus Team in Town Hall, the only team for the people.

Lenny Adis

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