Hudson Reporter Archive

Keep Hudson County politicians out of Secaucus

Dear Editor:
Gonnelli, Bueckner, Costantino and McKeever need your vote. And Secaucus needs these men because they will not be “yes” people like the current Democratic council members.
I have been attending council meetings for the last four years and have always heard the Democratic members echo “yes” to whatever Mayor Elwell presented, unlike the Independents who have sometimes differed on their votes. The whole Gonnelli fire chief fiasco was accomplished because of the “yes” people. Higher taxes resulted from uncontrolled spending by the “yes” people. No televised council meetings with citizen remarks because of the “yes” people. No pay-to-play ordinance until Mayor Elwell was arrested. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.
On election day pull the lever for independence from the “yes” people. Vote for Gonnelli, Bueckner, Costantino and McKeever. Keep Hudosn County politicians out of Secaucus.

Ralph Merletto

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