Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken housing health fair postponed

The Health, Fitness and Nutrition Fair scheduled for this Saturday in the Housing Authority has been postponed because of a dismal weather forecast.
The event will now take place from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 25, at the Multi-Service Center at 124 Grand St.
This will be the second in a series of monthly health fairs geared toward promoting healthy eating and exercise.
The event, which will follow up on the “Mitzvah Day” kickoff activity co-sponsored by the United Synagogue of Hoboken and the Hoboken Housing Authority on Sept. 13, will feature flu shots made available to Housing Authority residents as well as more health screenings, nutritional information and food samples, and various sports activities.
Hudson Perinatal Consortium will participate in the event, providing maternal and child health information, breast-cancer awareness and screening and various giveaways for children.
The exercise activities will include another round of bike rides and bike-safety tips. At last month’s event, 10 bikes were given away as prizes to children in the Housing Authority. The hope is to give away at least three more this time around, but bike donations are needed to make that happen. Anyone with any bicycles they can donate should contact Housing Authority Commissioner Jake Stuiver at
There will also be an obstacle course, another karate class and other indoor sports activities, and plans are under way to have some health-oriented cooking contests. Commissioner Stuiver will also DJ the event.

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