Hudson Reporter Archive


Union City elected Commissioner Lucio Fernandez is one elected official who truly believes in the arts, as he is a proven artist in his own right professionally! Born in Cuba, he came to the United States in 1977, first to North Bergen, and then to Union City. Commissioner Fernandez tells us that his father Lucio Pablo Gallardo now lives in Florida and his mother Herminia Fernandez is deceased since 1995. He has a brother Frank and two sisters, Anna and Pabla, who also live in Florida.
Commissioner Fernandez also tells us that he was a graduate of Union Hill High School in Union City, and in 1985 he achieved a bachelor of arts degree in Theater Arts at Rutgers University/Newark Campus. Later on, he also graduated from the Bobby Lewis Theatre Workshop in Manhattan, and thereby has always worked as a professional member of the Screen Actors Guild in film and television commercials, and with Actors Equity Association in theater. He also plied his trade with the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, performing television and radio acting. Thus, working as an artist has always been his private industry work.
In 2003, Commissioner Fernandez was a deputy director of the department of public affairs, and in 2006, he was elected as a commissioner to head this same department. Before becoming a commissioner, he was appointed a trustee of the Union City Board of Education, and a commissioner of the Union City Housing Authority, and he also was a past president of the Union City Day Care Center Board of Trustees. Commissioner Fernandez also tells us that his artistic side also produces poetry, and he writes in free form. Furthermore, he writes plays, and directs, produces, and coordinates events.
He has owned a business called Melu Communications Group for the past five years. He produces his own TV show on Cablevision and Comcast, “Live on Stage,” to promote local artists in the North Hudson County area, and also produces an entertainment newspaper called Sunlight News, as well as producing his own live shows in New York City.
For leisure time outings, Commissioner Fernandez likes water snorkeling, horse-back riding, and hiking with his lovely wife Megan and their daughter Lucienne. His wife as an artist is more than a triple-threat, as she is an actress, singer, dancer, choreographer, and she also directs. Commissioner Fernandez says that he met his wife on a bus ride coming from Manhattan, and the rest is loving marital history! Commissioner Fernandez is still active with the Union City Board of Education as its director of community relations for the past three years. One of his main quests is to get all art teachers together to get students active in the arts, in all areas, such as plays, concerts, movies, films, and acting. Commissioner Fernandez also tells us that his community actions have made him the recipient of numerous community awards from cultural groups, and he cherishes them all.
As for music, he likes Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, and modern jazz. As for sports, he has studied martial arts/karate, and likes the New York Yankees. His worldly travels have seen him visit Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, France, Japan, and has visited parts of South America. As an actor/singer, Commissioner Fernandez is proud to mention that he received a 2008 MAC Award nomination and 2009 ITRA Award for “The Cuban Kid,” stand-up comedy in concert! He tells us that he has performed alongside many great artists like Marc Anthony, Shirley MacLaine, Gene Kelly, The Pointer Sisters, Tommy Tune, Susan Lucci, Shirley Verrett, Lupita Ferrer, and Lorna Luft.
Commissioner Fernandez tells us that in community life, he wants to be remembered as a commissioner who made a difference in the community regarding the arts for its children, and that is another reason why he and his wife have run the “not-for-profit” Grace Theatre Workshop for dancing, acting, and singing, for 150 youth for the past 19 years!
When this columnist asked Commissioner Fernandez the difference between an actor and a politician, the commissioner answered that the two professions require the person to be a “people-person,” but the sameness ends there. In other words, an artist performer has to be true to his/her audience, and a politician has to be true to his/her community. Well said, Commissioner Lucio Fernandez… All the best!…

Regina Bator of Secaucus, and her loving husband Joseph, just recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary this past September. Best wishes to you both, and by the way Regina is the secretary to Mayor Richard Steffens at Town Hall. Many happy returns to your day!…

North Bergen Detective Henry Marrero, who is also a movie actor on the side, tells us that he is now acting with the North Bergen Players Mini Theater. Great going Henry!…

The Hudson County Area –Vocational Technical Education Association is sponsoring a “Casino Night” on Friday, Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., at Schuetzen Park in North Bergen. Joseph Mantineo of West New York, who is president of HCAVTEA/NJEA, also tells us that there is a $100 Admission Fee, and it includes a buffet dinner and $100 in Casino Chips. All proceeds will benefit the Hudson County Schools of Technology Scholarship Fund. Sponsorships are also being requested, and further information can be obtained by calling Diane Incognito in North Bergen at (201) 662-6735. All are welcome for a gala night of fun!!!…

Readers, we hear that Neil Carroll, secretary to the West New York Town Insurance Committee and aide to Mayor Silverio “Sal” Vega, has recently undergone successful heart surgery and doing very, very well. Neil is the father-in-law to Bayonne Mayor Mark Smith, and has been former chief-of-staff to four congressmen, namely Joseph LeFante and Neil Gallagher of Bayonne, and Frank Guarini of Jersey City, and Dominick V. Daniels of Jersey City and Union City. Neil was also the former chairman of the Governor James Florio Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports in New Jersey. Neil Carroll, you are the greatest!!!…

Guttenberg Police Director Michael Caliguiro tells us that he has recently also been named as the Town Administrator. Good luck to you Michael!…

Alfred Orecchio of Weehawken has recently been promoted as principal of the Theodore Roosevelt School in the Township. A good fellow, a fine educator, couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Congratulations Alfred!…

Hudson County Surrogate Judge Donald W. DeLeo of North Bergen will be a very busy public official this month as he will be addressing two groups regarding “New Information on Wills, Living Wills, Living Trusts, and Stories from your Hudson County Surrogate’s Court!” Both seminars will take place in Bayonne. The first one will be at the Exxon Mobile Annuitants Club, on Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 1 p.m., at the Bayonne Senior Center, at Story Court and Fourth Street on the second floor. The second one will be at the Gary La Pelusa Association on Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7:30 p.m., at 18 West 23rd St. Both seminars are free. Hop into your car and go there!…

And so it goes … until next time … see you around town … “MATT” …

Readers who would like to contribute to this column can do so by mailing your news items and photographs, along with your name, address, and telephone number to: Matthew Amato, columnist, c/o the Hudson Reporter, 1400 Washington St., Hoboken, New Jersey 07030. Thank You!

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