Hudson Reporter Archive

Personal Feelings

Dear Editor:
When September 11th starts our hearts are full of sorrow. The Americans shall never forget September 11, 2001, the blackest day of this soil. The cowardly terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre. The thousands of innocent lives became the victims of horrific acts of terrorism. The town of Secaucus also lost six brave heroes on this unforgettable day. Our town officials and the residents have set up a structure in the memory of our martyrs in front of the library. The town officials and the residents gather there to pay tribute to our heroes.
My friend Parikh and I try to be a part of the memories every year. We have noticed that very few immigrants, who are settled in this town, are found in this sorrowful event. Their absence pains me too much. We have come and settled in this country for a better life and living.
When we observe all the rights, there are some duties too. So in future, I would hope that others like me, those who came here from other countries, will become more involved in and supportive of local community activities. When immigrants become more active members of local community, it will prove that they are one with those who have long roots here. Maybe next year more immigrants will attend this memorial service.

These are my personal feelings,
Bhikhubhai A. Patel

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