Hudson Reporter Archive

Kimberly Glatt – Why I’m Running for Mayor

Dear Editor:
In a few weeks, Hoboken voters are going back to the polls….again. This fact underscores how badly we need change here in our city. Unlike my opponents, my name has not perpetually been on the ballot, so I want to introduce myself.
My name is Kimberly Glatt, and I’m running to be Hoboken’s next mayor.
Hoboken is a great city with so many accomplishments – created by years of planning and cooperation between many people over many years. I’ve lived in Hoboken my entire life, and everywhere I look there are memories of my life here. My husband Jay and I played with our children in 4th Street Park and took them for breakfasts at the Spa. On the weekends, we spend most of our days at the soccer and baseball fields. Growing up, I attended Stevens Academy and J.F. Brandt Middle School, and lived at 710 Washington Street – right above my father’s dentist’s office. When I was a young girl, my grandfather, a longshoreman, took me on my first forklift ride – right where the W Hotel stands today. Wow, how far this city has come!
For the past 14 years, I’ve served as Hoboken’s Municipal Judge. I’ve been proud to serve my fellow residents in this capacity. I took my responsibilities seriously and always put fairness and integrity first. A judge must listen, evaluate the facts, inspire trust, and uphold the law in the interests of the public good. I like to think that is what I always did. From my time in City Hall, I also had a front row seat to witness how our local government works – for better…and for worse.
I’m running for Mayor, because I’m concerned about Hoboken’s future. I’m not just talking about what transpired this past Summer. Like many of you, I was fed up last year when our City Council failed to pass a budget, even though they knew full-well the repercussions of their inaction. This caused our taxes to skyrocket and the State to take over our city. I lay the responsibility for these negative developments squarely at the feet of those who cared more about political infighting than doing their job.
It’s time for Hoboken to turn the page on the failed policies which caused our taxes to soar and our city’s reputation to plummet. I’ll get Hoboken back on track and off the back pages of the tabloids due to embarrassing incidents in local government. I promise to bring integrity back to City Hall. Professionalism, integrity and cooperation – that is what will brings us all forward as one community. I’ve always believed if you want change, you can’t just sit idly by. To bring about real change, you need to take decisive action. And that is exactly what I will do as Mayor. I’ll work hard to change the tone and manner in which government functions. I will put politics aside and restore Hoboken’s promise, lower taxes and revive our city. I only want to make my hometown a better place to live, work and raise a family. I hope I can count on your support!

Thank you,

Kimberly Glatt
Candidate for Hoboken Mayor – Column I

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