Hudson Reporter Archive

IN HOBOKEN: Do I make you corny, baby?

Just when you thought Hoboken politics couldn’t get any muddier — oh wait, no one actually thought that — the farmers behind the “” campaign spoof site have added some new gags (and we use the term literally) to their page.
Their page is meant to be a satire about Hoboken Mayoral Candidate Beth Mason’s site, “DualJobDawn,” which points out that Council President Dawn Zimmer is also serving as Acting Mayor at the same time. She took the spot after Mayor Peter Cammarano stepped down after his corruption arrest. This coming Nov. 3, Mason, Zimmer, and five other candidates will vie in a special election to become the mayor of Hoboken for the next four years. Mason is saying that Zimmer is hogging both roles (even if it’s just for a few months), and that this is unfair.
If you agree, Mason has asked – in numerous ads – for you to read more about it and sign a petition at Apparently, one of Zimmer’s followers has started a takeoff site,, making it seem as though Mason is at war with Zimmer over gobbling too many ears of corn. There have been some snarky comments left on the signature site, too.
So what’s the latest? Well, today, some new graphics are up at the dual cob site (DualCobDawn.INFO), and they’re worth a look if you need a good snicker.
Perhaps the most profound statement: “At least you’re not getting this s— in your mailbox every day.”

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