Hudson Reporter Archive

Gaping hole in Medicare

Dear Editor:
I was very disappointed to hear about Senator Robert Menendez’ vote against an amendment to federal health reform legislation supported by AARP. The amendment would have righted a big wrong in the prescription drug coverage gap for people in Medicare. Too many seniors need financial relief on their prescription drug costs. Falling into the doughnut hole year after year can be devastating especially for those who take multiple prescriptions every month.
This was our chance to help Medicare beneficiaries everywhere. Here in New Jersey, 32 percent of Medicare beneficiaries hit the doughnut hole in 2007. In a tough economy like this, with such high costs of living in New Jersey and with increasing healthcare costs and no Social Security cost of living increase this year, too many older adults are struggling financially. If the gap in Medicare Part D doesn’t get filled, many individuals may be forced to choose between taking their medications and putting food on the table. Senator Menendez: Fill the gaping hole in Medicare Part D before more New Jerseyans fall into it!

Sy Larson
AARP New Jersey State President
East Brunswick

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