Hudson Reporter Archive

Elect Dawn Zimmer as Hoboken’s mayor

Dear Editor:
I enthusiastically support the election of Acting Mayor Zimmer for Hoboken Mayor in November’s special election.
Mayor Zimmer has accomplished so much so quickly, making it clear that she is an effective CEO: an open process for selecting Directors; an agreement with the State on benchmarks to restore local fiscal control; bringing back the cross town bus; dramatic movement on Southeast flood prevention; and winning important changes to proposed State legislation that would have given NJT unrestricted authority to proceed with mega-development in south Hoboken.
Mayor Zimmer has restored civility and trust to Hoboken City Hall after the shenanigans of the Roberts/ Russo administrations, the short but disruptive tenure of Mayor Cammarano, and the intended priorities of their acolytes.
When elected our permanent Mayor, Mayor Zimmer will apply the same thoroughness, thoughtfulness, discipline, transparency, inclusiveness and timeliness to other immediate issues facing Hoboken: an austerity budget appropriate to the needs of Hoboken and prepared according to exacting State guidelines for all municipalities; a table of organization in the police department that puts more officers on the street and in the fire department that puts more firefighters on trucks; a strategy for stabilizing the hospital’s finances and focusing on evidenced-based clinical performance; and a parking and transportation plan that reduces congestion and pollution.
Councilwoman Mason, one of Mayor Zimmer’s main opponents in this election, supported Mayor Zimmer in the June run-off because of three shared core principles: cutting taxes by balancing the budget and eliminating wasteful spending; making government accountable to the people; and implementing a smart and viable economic-development plan geared toward the improvement of Hoboken residents’ quality of life, improving public safety, securing more open space and adhering to economic development plans that are in the best interests of the majority of residents.
Acting Mayor Zimmer has already demonstrated her capability, capacity and energy to move policy forward on these core issues.
Further Mason said. “I believe she has the experience to lead Hoboken to a bright future…” Councilwoman Mason’s reasons for supporting Dawn Zimmer in June are just as valid today as they were then, perhaps even more so given Mayor Zimmer’s substantial and significant accomplishments since becoming Mayor.
So the choice is simple: Elect Acting Mayor Zimmer as the next Mayor of Hoboken.

Jonathan M. Metsch

The opinions expressed in this letter are solely those of Dr. Metsch and not of any group with which he is associated.

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