Hudson Reporter Archive

Webb-Washington pleads guilty to taking bribes

The U.S. Attorney’s Office announced on Thursday that one-time Jersey City City Council candidate LaVern Webb-Washington, 61, pleaded guilty in federal court in Newark to conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right.
Washington had been accused of allegedly conspiring with former Jersey City Housing commissioner Edward Cheatam, political consultant Jack Shaw, and others to receive $15,000 in bribes for government informant Solomon Dwek. She was arrested on July 23 as one of the 44 implicated in the public corruption/money laundering sting.
Washington faces 12 to 18 months in prison and will be sentenced on Jan 12 at 11 a.m.
Washington is the seventh Hudson County public official to plead guilty in the investigation revolving around informant Solomon Dwek. The others are Phil Kenny, Guy Catrillo, Maher Khalil, Edward Cheatam, Denis Jaslow, and Jimmy King. – RK

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