Hudson Reporter Archive

‘You certainly made a difference in ours!’

To the Editor:
I would kindly like to ask you to please withhold our names from the article since my family and I have already received an extensive thank you from Mr. Tom Bragen for the deed we carried out, just by the letter he wrote to you, found in the “Bayonne Community News” on Sept. 9, 2009.
At Saint Peter’s Prep, we are taught to represent Prep 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and this was just another hour out of a 24 hour day, and just another day out of the year in which that concept applied. In life, we consistently hear the phrases, “You can make a difference,” and “It only takes one.” However, sometimes it is difficult for us to believe these mind-boggling ideas because we are a little unsure of our potential to actually make a difference in a stranger’s life.
My family and I can honestly say that we did not even fathom the idea of being thanked the way we have been thanked, for a deed that we thought was just a necessary thing to do. I mean, he was an elderly man running on an extremely hot day; we just wanted to make sure he would be okay. And so we did what we did. For this simple act, Mr. Tom Bragen thought it necessary to thank us in the way he has.
However, it is we who wish to thank him, and I ask that the following message be relayed to him: Mr. Bragen, for opening our eyes and revealing to us that even the smallest act of kindness can touch somebody in such a huge way, my family and I would like to thank you. It is actually you that has touched us in such a tremendous way. You made us realize that there really isn’t any deed too small, or too insignificant. Any kind act that comes from the heart is worth doing. You never know how much of a difference you can make in someone’s life…you certainly made a difference in ours!


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